Girlfriend Celebrations - Because Girlfriends Make Life Better

Six Super Holiday Girls Night Ideas

Do you have your December girls night on the calendar? Wondering what you can do that’s fun and meaningful? Never fear, GirlfriendCelebrations is here with SIX fabulous ways to have fun with your gal pals during the busy holiday season. Give yourself permission to plan a girlfriend get-together during the holidays and use this special time to show your appreciation to the friends who love you!

Photo by Calvin Crest via flickr
Photo by Calvin Crest via flickr

Wrap and Greet

Don’t say you’re too busy to gather with your girlfriends: Take those holiday chores and do them together! Women tend to be super-busy during the holidays. But it is possible to get things done while you’re having fun. Invite the girls over to write out holiday greeting cards together (party plan here), or have a wrapping party. Everyone brings presents to wrap, along with some wrapping supplies. You’ll have a variety of colorful papers to choose from and you’ll be able to chat while you wrap.


Do some good with your girlfriends! Decorate a Christmas tree for an elderly person. Adopt a family, go shopping together, wrap and deliver gifts, then reward yourselves with a dinner out. Schedule an Out of the Cold party to help the homeless. Or, do some crafting and giving. See our Green Holiday Parties article for some holiday crafts you can make with recycled materials, then deliver to a nursing home, hospital or anyone who needs some holiday cheer.

Get Outside

Yes, really. When was the last time you went sledding (not just watched the kids) or participated in a snowball fight? Arrange a cross-country ski outing, snowperson contest, ice skating event, or Christmas caroling for your girlfriend group. Certainly, some of these activities may seem a bit silly for grown women, but isn’t that the point? If we can’t let loose around our girlfriends, then we’re not really living!

Prep for Parties

Beautifying yourself for holiday parties or New Year’s Eve just got a lot more fun! Have a Costume Jewelry Swap (see our Accessory Swap Party for ideas) or have a spa night (either at a spa or at home) for manicures, pedicures and facials. You’ll feel *much* more beautiful surrounded by girlfriend support!

Jazz up the Usual

Old habits die hard. Many girlfriend groups have a cookie exchange every year, or a holiday get-together with a “Secret Santa” or ornament exchange. These tried-and-true ideas are fun, but why not inject a little imagination into your old standby events? For example:

  • Instead of a cookie exchange, try a side dish or appetizer recipe exchange. Bring enough for everyone to taste, and copies of the recipe. You’ll find something to impress that mother-in-law of yours!
  • Instead of a Secret Santa, try our Pink Elephant Gift Exchange, which puts a girly twist on the traditional white elephant. Find all the details and rules here. You can have everyone bring pink gifts, set up rules such as “chocolate only,” or compliment your girlfriend before stealing her gift.
  • Add some connecting activities to your soiree. Here’s a simple game: Each girlfriend writes down her a) favorite holiday tradition, b) worst Christmas present or c) favorite holiday memory on a slip of paper, Draw the slips out of a stocking and guess which girlfriend goes with which answer. You’ll have a few laughs and learn something about each other too.

Just Talk

If you’re feeling stressed and obsessed about all your holiday chores, try chilling out with Girltalk …Taking it Deeper™. Our November/December Girltalk gathering is about “Guilt-Free Holidays”. Your girlfriends will appreciate you taking the time to organize this get-together that gives each friend a chance to be heard. And, it could be the start of a monthly ritual that revolutionizes your approach to girls night! Download this month’s guide here and download the Guide to Great Girltalking here.


Holiday fun is not about gifts, and it’s not about impressing your friends. It is about doing and being, remembering and laughing (and, probably, eating and drinking!). We’d love it if you’d share your girlfriend holiday plans in the comments. Happy Holidays, Girlfriends!

Editor’s note: This article first appeared on GIrlfriendCelebrations in 2008 with the title Five Great Holiday Girls Nights. We jazzed it up a bit for 2009. Hope you enjoyed it!

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