Girlfriend Celebrations - Because Girlfriends Make Life Better

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Girlfriendly Downloads

From time to time, we’ll have information you can download to use at your own celebrations. This page is home to all our downloads! Click on the link to download the PDF file.

Remember that the words, logos and images on this website are copyright protected! Please do not distribute anything without our permission. You may download, copy and distribute the following .pdf files for your own personal use. They may not be used for commercial (i.e. money-making) purposes. Thanks!

Book Swap Form (new and improved!): Use this form to keep track of the owners and borrowers of books at your Girlfriend Book Swap.

Fast Friends Tracking Sheet: Use these pages to assign partners and keep notes during your Fast Friends “speed-friending” party.


  1. [...] is a great way to get your girlfriends mingling and talking. You can find book swap forms in our Girlfriendly Downloads. You can use any bookmarks, of course–make your own or even some custom-designed, like we [...]

    Pingback by Girlfriend Celebrations - Women, Friendship, Fun Party Ideas, Girls Night Ideas — October 7, 2008 @ 11:57 am

  2. I do a women group we need ideas

    Comment by tonia — June 29, 2009 @ 2:01 pm

  3. i am using all of these.

    Comment by trinity — August 7, 2009 @ 5:41 pm

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