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Quick Summer Shindigs

Don’t let summer end without savoring some special time with your girlfriends! If you are starting to realize that it’s August and you haven’t seen your girlfriends in weeks (months!), try one of these summery get-togethers. True to the season, they are simple, casual, and loads of fun.

Miniature Golf Gala- Take the putt-putt course by storm! It’s giggles galore as you storm the course dressed to the nines (or all in pink, or in wacky golf attire). Award prizes for best-dressed (according to your theme), best score, hole in one. Bring your own golf balls and decorate with Sharpies. Give visors as favors. Descend on the local watering hole afterwards. Don’t forget your camera!

Girlfriend Bonfire – Create a mellow vibe with your fire pit and your best pals. Stir up childhood memories by making s’mores or banana boats. Learn about each other by playing Truth or Not: Each person states three things about herself, and the group has to decide which one is false. Let your guitar-playing girlfriends strum along, or start an ad-hoc drum circle.

Girlfriends on the High Seas – Near the water? Get yourself and your pals on a boat. Reserve a spot on a local sightseeing cruise, go sailing, take a canoe trip, tackle a kayak, rent a rowboat! If you’re feeling more splurgy, our girlfriend Janet at CruiseOne can book you a cruise to practically anywhere. This candle favor from the Nautical Shop is a great deal and has us hankering for the beach. 

Friendly Game of Kickball - Need some action? Kickball is enjoying a resurgence and it’s not just for kids. Organize your girlfriends into teams and play a game or two (or even a tournament). Find the official rules and much more info here. You could also play softball, of course, if you have the equipment and the willing participants. Either way, get out there and play ball!

Posh Picnic – Plan an elegant picnic to accompany a local concert in the park. Scour your local newspaper for free concert listings, or buy tickets to an outdoor venue such as Ravinia if you’re lucky enough to have one nearby. Pack candles, a blanket, wineglasses, and some fancy picnic fare for a lovely, ladylike event. You can find dozens of great picnic recipes by doing a websearch on “elegant picnic”. Or keep it simple by asking each girlfriend to bring a cheese or bread to sample, while you supply the wine. Bring along one of these great conversation tins to keep the chitchat going during lulls in the music.

Drive-In Divas – Pack a cooler, pile in the car and take in a flick at your local drive-in movie theater. Find one close to you by checking the directory here. Many cities also have free outdoor movies in the summer. Just be sure to pack the insect repellent!

So, what are you doing with your girlfriends this summer? Share your story in the comment form below.


  1. I am planning “A night of The Painted Veils”
    Belly Dancing lessons, a palm reader and a Henna Tatoo artist.

    Comment by Angela — August 15, 2008 @ 11:46 pm

  2. wow.. great ideas.. we have done simple movie nights and need to step up a couple notches!!!

    Comment by Vicki — August 18, 2008 @ 4:46 pm

  3. we had a cloths, jewelry & accessory was a blast! everyone brought things they never wore or no longer wear, a bottle of wine & a dish. We were all (6 of us) having a blast trying on cloths, shoes, jewelry! Everyone left with “new” outfits! The rest was donated to a woman’s shelter. We plan on doing this every 6 months.

    Comment by Lynn — June 30, 2009 @ 8:24 pm

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