MayDay! MayDay! A Stress Relief Party!
April showers bring more than May flowers—they also herald the busy spring season! May brings finals to prepare for, graduations to attend, end-of-school parties to plan, and Mother’s Day gifts to buy in addition to daily obligations. Feeling a little stressed? Gather your girlfriends for a MayDay Stress Relief Party to connect with each other and discover new ways of relaxing.
It’s a proven fact that women need their girlfriends in order to relax–there is a physiological response called "Tend and Befriend" that women turn to in times of stress. (See our post "Girlfriends Are Good For You" for more information!) Our MayDay Stress Relief party helps foster the kind of togetherness that ends stress. We offer some different relaxation activities to try, as well as a way to do something nice for each other. (Doing good is another proven stress reliever). Plus, this party is very easy to pull together, so relax and enjoy!
Invite your friends by phone (who has time to write out invitations anyhow?) and after giving them the details of time and place, ask them to name one thing that would help relieve their stress right now. You could ask them to choose from a list like this:
“I would like someone to:
• Bring dinner over
• Do my grocery shopping
• Watch my kids for two hours
• Drop off and pick up my dry cleaning
• Prepare some meals for my freezer
• Weed my garden
• Mow my lawn (or hire a neighborhood kid to do it)
• Other (please specify)
Write each person’s need on a slip of paper and save it for the party. Don’t forget to include your own. Ask your friends to wear comfortable clothing and promise them a relaxing evening with plenty of pampering!
Setting and setup
Create a spa-like atmosphere with plenty of scented candles or an aromatherapy diffuser. Use relaxing scents such as lavender. Have relaxing music playing in the background (Natural Stress Relief by Dan Gibson is just one to try).
Then, depending on your girlfriends, set up a spot for the relaxation activity of your choice:
- Find a good yoga DVD, or locate a yoga instructor who can be hired for private events. Reflexology or Tai Chi are other stress-relieving disciplines that would be fun to try. Clear an area (in front of the tv, if you are using a DVD or video) where your guests can try a little relaxing movement.
- Hire in spa services such as a massage therapist or manicurist. (see our Simple Spa Party for more ideas on how to make this happen successfully).
- Put on some disco music and dance the night away! The sillier the dance moves, the better.
- Cut up magazines and make collages of your goals and dreams.
- Play with play-dough, color with crayons or paint by number.
Food and drink
Cut them off from caffeine and offer relaxing beverages such as wine, herbal tea or juice spritzers. Don’t stress out over food preparation–offer easy finger foods and nibbles that don’t take too much time to prepare. Chocolate is a must (it nourishes the soul, after all).
Making connections
Here’s where those slips of paper come in! Sometimes a change of routine is all you need to feel refreshed. Place all the slips together in a teacup and have each woman choose a “favor” to do for a friend. For example “Bring Jen dinner,” or “Drive Alison’s kids to school.” Let the ladies work out the details themselves, but do agree on a timeframe to deliver your kindness—say, by the end of May!
Party favors
Besides the promise of a friend’s help, give each guest a little something to go home with. Possible party favors include:
• Aromatherapy oils or scented candles
• Stress ball (the kind you knead in your hand)
• Blank journal for “venting”
• Burn your own relaxation mix CD (or delegate the job to any computer-literate teenager).
Don’t stress out about wrapping your party favors: Simply wrap a wide ribbon around your gift, tie a bow, and you’re done. Tuck in a card with a handwritten note (perhaps one saying what you appreciate most about each friend) or an inspirational saying.
Here’s another idea: Is someone in your circle in dire need of stress relief (just had a baby, single mom with no family nearby, studying for the bar exam)? Throw a party in her honor and instead of swapping chores, have everyone volunteer one act of kindness to her.
We hope we’ve helped you create a stress-less sanctuary for your girlfriends–if only for one night. Make time for your friends this month and we are certain you’ll be happier for it. Tell us below how your girlfriends help you fight stress!
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[...] yogaforstressrelief wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt… graduations to attend, end-of-school parties to plan, and Mother’s Day gifts to buy in addition to daily obligations. Feeling a little stressed? Gather your girlfriends for a MayDay Stress Relief Party to connect with each other [. … [...]
Pingback by MayDay! MayDay! A Stress Relief Party! — April 20, 2008 @ 10:33 pm
[...] you would like. You can host parties like a bake-off, or swap your jewelry night, or even a stress relief party. Some other fun party ideas with your girlfriends can be found [...]
Pingback by Printable Party Invitation Fun! « Happy Holidays — May 12, 2008 @ 9:10 pm
[...] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptApril showers bring more than May flowers—they also herald the busy spring season! May brings finals to prepare for, graduations to attend, end-of-school. [...]
Pingback by MayDay! MayDay! A Stress Relief Party! | Girlfriend Celebrations — November 19, 2008 @ 8:24 pm
[...] Plan a MayDay Stress Relief Party. This party costs next-to-nothing, and gives you a place to relax and connect with your girlfriend [...]
Pingback by Spring Flings: Five Easy, Fun, Inexpensive Girls Night Ideas to Use Right Now | Girlfriend Celebrations — May 1, 2009 @ 9:11 am