Girlfriend Celebrations - Because Girlfriends Make Life Better

Have You Seen Our New Look?

Hi Girlfriends! Have you noticed our facelift? Take a minute to give us some feedback on our new site layout, won’t you? We’re now able to bring you much more information at a glance. RSS subscribers, hop on over and let your voice be heard too. We’ve introduced some cool new features—including Popular Posts and a star rating system for each post. You’ll also find Girlfriends Daily Calendar entries right on the home page, and a special spot for our fabulous contributors. We’re looking forward to your feedback, because we do it all for you, girlfriends. What would help you plan fun and meaningful times with your girlfriends? Just let us know.




  1. I love the new look…

    Comment by vicky — December 21, 2008 @ 9:17 pm

  2. I like the menu bar at the top of the page & the “We’re Reading” section in the right margin.

    Comment by Mel — December 22, 2008 @ 5:20 pm

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