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Have a Gardening Party For Your Next Girls Night (or Day)

Glorious Spring is here—the perfect opportunity to get the girls out into the garden! Gardening offers the opportunity to relieve stress and connect to nature while growing healthy food or nurturing beautiful blooms. Green thumb or not, here are some quick ideas for gardening-themed girlfriend get-togethers and activities.

Plant a group garden. Many towns have community garden plots that can be rented. Why not rent one with your girlfriends and meet weekly to garden together? It’s a built-in weekly date and everyone can share in the harvest. Or, if one girlfriend has the space for a large garden but doesn’t want to do all the work herself, she can offer the space for the group plot.

Have a “planting bee.” Many hands make light work, so bring your hands and your garden gloves to your girlfriend’s house and help get her spring planting done. Then, load up the wheelbarrow and move on to the next girlfriend’s house, and so on until everyone’s got some spring color in her yard. Be sure to have pitchers of lemonade, iced tea, and water on hand.

Learn a little. Ask a local garden club or landscaping professional to speak at your next girls night about the best new plants for your area, how to use a rain barrel, or another topic that interests you.

Share the bounty. Donate some or all of the harvest from your group garden (above) to a food pantry or to local churches who have needy families. See Plant a Row for the Hungry for tips on how to make this happen successfully.

Seed small spaces. Apartment dwellers, don’t despair! You can still enjoy all the benefits of gardening get-togethers through container gardens or square-foot gardening. Invite the girls over to lend their labor and design skills to help fill your containers (just be sure to tempt them with tasty nibbles and libations!) If you’re a gardening novice, try P. Allen Smith’s Container Gardens: 60 Container Recipes to Accent Your Garden for “plant recipes” that tell you exactly how to create beautiful container gardens.

What about party favors? Try gifting your girlfriends with seed packets, hot pink garden gloves (every time she wears them, she’ll think of you), small annuals or perennials to pot, or miniature rosebushes (yellow roses signify friendship). All are inexpensive choices that will remind your girlfriends, all summer long, that your friendship blooms brightly!

Have any great gardening resources we should know about? Share them in the comments!

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