Girlfriend Celebrations - Because Girlfriends Make Life Better

Celebrating All Things Red in February!

Ladies, there are so many reasons for you and your girlfriends to celebrate in February. Let us count the ways! First of all, it’s National Heart Month. This is a great time to explore heart-healthy recipes or begin an exercise program with your girlfriends. Visit GoRed For Women to explore all the great resources of the American Heart Association. We especially like their 12-week physical activity program. It’s free to sign up online. National Wear Red Day is this Friday, February 6. Wear red to support awareness of women’s heart health. Coinciding nicely, Macy’s Wear Red sale this weekend lets you save up to 20% just by wearing red into the store. Fun! Photo by ElectricinCa via Flickr But there’s so much more:

It’s Mardi Gras time! (Fat Tuesday is February 24 this year.) Coffee and King cake, anyone? Or, perhaps you have other ways of celebrating this New Orleans tradition? Let’s hear about them!

And don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten Valentines Day. It doesn’t have to be a day you dread. Take it back with an easy chocolate-themed girlfriend Valentines Day party. And please, remember to send your girlfriends a friendly valentine. Buy or make them today! Especially remember those girlfriends who are divorced, widowed, or newly single. Show them how much you appreciate them. And, look for a brand-new Valentine-themed giveaway starting tomorrow at We’ve got another “red”-themed giveaway later this month too!

Did we mention $59 spa treatments for the month of February? (Oh, yes we did, here.)

Last but not least, football season is over. Congratulations Pittsburgh Steelers!

Spring is in our sights, but let’s enjoy this lovely and brief month of February while it lasts. Celebrate all things red with us!

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