Girlfriend Celebrations - Because Girlfriends Make Life Better

Congrats to Our Contest Winner!

Diane Pollock of Cedar Rapids, Iowa is the winner of our spring contest. We were looking for tips and stories about making new girlfriends. Here’s what Diane had to say:

"I find coffeshops to be a great spot! I take along a good book, and am sure to meet someone who shares similar interests that way! An added bonus is that I am there during a time period when I have free time, and they are also! So our schedules will mesh…"

We love this idea because it’s practical and fun. Diane is out enjoying herself anyway, and she has a built-in conversation starter. She’s taking an active approach to meeting new girlfriends. Way to go, Diane! She will receive some fun pink car accessories from Pink Superstore.

Thanks to all who participated. Stay tuned for our Summer Contest, coming soon! 


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