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May 2010 Girltalk: Moms, Daughters and More

In honor of Mother’s Day, our May Girltalk topic is  Moms & Daughters & More: Strengthening the Bonds, Breaking the Chain. To download this month’s PDF Discussion Guide, click here. For more information on Girltalk, click here.

A personal note from Christine Arylo, founder of Girltalk

Whether you are adopted, from a family of seven, an only child, whether your mother is like your sister or you never talk to your mother, whether your mother is alive or passed on… the truth is that we were all born, we all came from a mother, and we are all women. What’s not so black-and-white is how these relationships with our mothers and mom-like influences impact who we are today… consciously and subconsciously. And since they are some of the most influential relationships in our lives, I say let’s put on our wetsuits this month, dive into the water and do some exploring of what may be lurking underneath in our subconscious sea!

No matter how ‘close’ you are with your mother or daughters, all mother/daughter relationships are complicated, intertwined and full of many levels. It’s just part of the deal. Just as we might receive a set of good china, we are “handed down” behaviors, patterns and beliefs from our mothers that affect our lives on many levels. Read the rest of this entry »

Girltalk April 2010: Your Body is Your Temple

We all know that we should take care of our bodies; in fact, we beat ourselves up for not doing enough of it, but what if we traded all that guilt and self-abuse in and proclaimed…“My Body is My Temple”? This month’s Girltalk…Taking it Deeper™ challenges you to treat your body to a month of self love. Join us, won’t you? To download this month’s PDF Discussion Guide, click here. For more information on Girltalk, click here.

A personal note from Christine Arylo, founder of Girltalk:

My relationship with my body has never been my strongest relationship. For me it’s not that I hate her, it’s that I forget about her. I can go months without looking at my toes, feeling my calf or noticing that I have this appendage called an arm. I take my body for granted, as if she is always going to be there to be the workhorse I have always expected her to be. As an achiever I have driven her past the brink of exhaustion on many occasions to ‘get the job done’ and the truth is that I have treated her more like a piece of machinery at my beck and call than as the temple that she deserves to be treated as.

The other truth is that without her, I would be nothing. I don’t exist on this planet without her. My spirit needs this form to be on this earth. None of the passions, missions, dreams I have can be accomplished without her. And although I like to think that I am in charge of her, the truth is that very quickly, if I don’t adore her the way a temple deserves to be adored, she will be in charge of me, and I won’t be able to do a darn thing about it.

Just think about any time you didn’t feel good physically — from a canker sore to a cold to a much more serious condition — you were at the mercy of your body, and the only way to change the situation was to treat her well.  Well, what if :

  • We treated her well before she revolted and got sick?
  • We treated her well, despite our judgments on what she ’should’ be?
  • We treated our bodies like temples, and everyday that was the lens through which we made choices?

This month I dare us all to find the answers! Read the rest of this entry »

Girltalk March 2010: What History Left Out of Herstory

March is Women’s History Month! This month’s Girltalk…Taking it Deeper™ focuses on appreciating the journey of women throughout history. Christine Arylo, creator of Girltalk, felt so strongly about this issue that she changed the previously scheduled topic. Read on for her thoughts. To download this month’s printable guide, click here. For more information on Girltalk, click here.

A personal note from Christine Arylo, founder of Girltalk.

In honor of Women’s History Month, I have to out myself.  As an MBA from one of the best schools in the country, I have been ignorant to the truth of our history as women. Sure, I know the facts… but that is not the same as knowing, or feeling, the reality. What I learned in history class didn’t come close to telling me the truth of what women have endured just in the last century, let alone the last three hundred, or two thousand years. I got the same scrubbed-down version of history that you did — unless you were a feminine studies major — straight from the lips of a patriarchal society.  Oh, women couldn’t vote, so there was this suffrage movement and now they can. Oh, there was this thing called Roe vs Wade that made abortion legal. Oh, women were burned at the stake during this thing called the Inquisition. And yes, there was this other thing called the Feminist Movement that created equal rights. None of those were more than a few pages in any of my history books, how about yours?

Read the rest of this entry »

February 2010 Girltalk: Are You Madly in Love with YOU?

February is the month of self-love… We all know that loving ourselves is something we should do… we all know that you have to love yourself first before you can love another… we would all love to take care of ourselves better but find it more of a dream than a reality. This month at Girtalk… Taking it Deeper™ we take a stand for self-love, because it is not a luxury, it is a must-have. Chief Girltalker Christine Arylo feels so strongly about self-love, she created this video to inspire you. Enjoy!

To download a printable PDF of this month’s discussion guide, click here. To learn more about starting your own Girltalk group (it’s totally free and you’ll receive the discussion guide each month), click here.

January 2010 Girltalk: The Feminine Super-Power of PAUSE

Happy New Year, Girlfriends! It’s time to reflect on the year that’s been and claim the year to come. Instead of running into your year, stop, reflect, give some real and wise thought to 2010 and move forward with focus, intention and heart. Get your Girltalk…Taking it Deeper™ group together and use this January discussion guide by Christine Arylo to take your year in the best possible direction. To download a printable PDF of this month’s discussion guide, click here. To learn more about starting your own Girltalk group (it’s totally free and you’ll receive the discussion guide each month), click here.

©Shiloh McCloud
©Shiloh McCloud

Be Real. Every year, it’s the same old drill, isn’t it? We start off with the best intentions, with gusto, resolved to reach our goals and make this ‘the’ year. But by February that gusto has been drained down by the overwhelm, pressure and realities of day-to-day life. Come October, we’re wondering where the year went, and not feeling quite as successful as we had hoped we would when the year started. And then without warning, it’s Thanksgiving, then December and a flurry of presents and parties. Before we know it, January 1 has arrived, and with it the immense pressure to make this ‘the’ year.

If you are a Type A person, you likely go into New-Year’s-resolution and goal-setting mode. If you are the Type B variety, you’re likely more relaxed and avoid serious goal-setting, stepping into the new year with faith that it will all work out. The truth is that neither of these strategies work. Type A or Type B, these approaches are insane. They keep you doing the same thing year after year expecting different results, which by definition is insanity.

Be Wise. This year, instead of running from the holidays into the New Year without really stopping to decide where you want to go before you take off full force to get there, dare to take a pause! Dare to avoid the three biggest mistakes people make when approaching their new year, and instead take the wiser path. Which ones have you fallen into? And what is the deeper wisdom?

Mistake #1: Not stopping to reflect on the year that has passed. Going from one year into the next, without stopping to recognize all that has happened, is like living your life like a mountain climber, arriving at the mountain top of each year, but not stopping to take in the view that you worked so hard to achieve. Instead, you just take a quick breath, and keep pushing up the next mountain, the next year, without celebrating my successes or learning from your failures. No wonder you are exhausted. No surprise that you don’t feel like you really accomplished what you wanted; all you could see was the next mountain.

Wise Truth: In order to grow, we must stop, celebrate, reflect and learn at the end of every cycle.

Mistake #2:   Pressuring yourself to have your entire year mapped out by the first week of January. Read the rest of this entry »

Girltalk November/December 2009: Guilt-Free Holidays!

Hey, Girlfriends! With a nod to the busy-ness of the months ahead, we’re scheduling only one GIrltalk…Taking it Deeper™ topic for November and December combined. Christine Arylo’s discussion guide for this month appears below. If you are hosting a Girltalk group, you may want to download this month’s printable guide here. Want to know what Girltalk is all about? Read this. If you have any questions about Girltalk…Taking it Deeper™ or suggestions about how we can improve your experience, please leave a comment or email us.

Guiltless Girls Have More Fun!

Be Real. While the holidays are advertised to bring us cheer, joy and gifts (and often times they do), what many of us also end up with is a rack full of stress, guilt and debt. And truthfully, some of it’s our own darn fault. We’re like wind-up toys gone beserk, doing everything we’re supposed to, acting as we’re expected to, showing up to the places we’re invited to (even if we don’t want to go), afraid to do and say what’s really on our minds.

If the holidays are meant to be a time of joy, connection and celebration, why the heck would we do anything that doesn’t make us joyful or feel connected to the people we love? The answer? G-U-I-L-T.  We don’t want people to be mad at us… we don’t want to be the ‘bad girl’… we want everyone to be happy. But what about us?

While every woman has a choice in how she spends the precious six weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years, few of us slow down long enough to ask our bodies, minds and spirits what they need. And even if we know what we need, we succumb to guilt, obligation and the holiday frenzy instead.

Be Wise. November and December are actually a time for going in and slowing down – think about the hibernating bears, the trees without leaves, and the days getting longer and darker leading up to Winter Solstice on Dec 21st. What nature is calling us to do is the exact opposite of the bright lights, big sales and hustle bustle… which explains why most of us are exhausted by January 1 and the year has only begun!  What would it be like this year to enjoy the holidays in ways that actually replenished you, fueled you and left you ready to start 2010 vibrantly full of energy?

Be You. This month at  Girltalk… Taking it Deeper™, I dare us all to give ourselves the gift of joy by doing what we truly want this holiday season. I dare you to do not even one thing out of obligation or guilt. Now, I am not suggesting you become a raving lunatic, stomping around demanding that everyone bow to you, but I am suggesting that you put your foot down and your heart forward, and use this holiday season to replenish.

This holiday season, I invite you and your Girltalkers to make November and December guilt-free by doing what moves your hearts and souls, to what brings feelings of love and happiness. Even for the things you might not love doing… how can you do them from a place of love vs. guilt? I dare us all to make our choice from this place. Isn’t that what the holidays are about anyway? Read the rest of this entry »

Girltalk…Taking it Deeper™—the Test Drive

Well, girlfriends, about a month ago we introduced Girltalk…Taking it Deeper™ to you, and launched the first monthly topic in October. We promised that we would experience Girltalk right along with you, so this week we had our very own Girltalk gathering. Here’s how our girls night went: Read the rest of this entry »

Be real. Be wise. Be you. Presenting GirlTalk…Taking it Deeper™ on GirlfriendCelebrations!

Hey, Girlfriends! On this National Women’s Friendship Day, we have something very exciting to share with you!

GirlfriendCelebrations is partnering with Christine Arylo, author of Choosing ME Before WE: Every Woman’s Guide to Life and Love, to bring you GirlTalk…Taking it Deeper™ - a monthly series you can use to connect with your girlfriends on a deeper level.

What is it?

GirlTalk…Taking it Deeper™ is free content you subscribe to. By joining the GirlTalk… Taking it Deeper™ community, you’ll receive everything you need to take your girlfriend get-togethers to a fresh, energizing new level. Basically, Girtalk…Taking it Deeper™ is a “conversation technology” designed to give you ideas, personal experiments and a structure for creating dynamic, inspiring, and empowering get-togethers with other women on a regular basis…all based on a meaningful monthly topic relevant to today’s women.

The topics are subjects you’ve likely heard before—relationships, beauty, money, creativity. The difference is the depth of connection, understanding and energy you’ll receive. Christine has developed a unique and powerful conversation structure to help you have your own GirlTalk gatherings.

We will be forming our own GirlTalk…Taking it Deeper™ group and doing it right along with you, and we really can’t wait to get started!

How does it work?

On the first Monday of each month, starting in October 2009, we will provide Christine’s new GirlTalk topic to GirlTalk subscribers. Click here to subscribe! (Please note, if you are already a GirlfriendCelebrations newsletter subsciber, you will need to re-enter your email and update your preferences.)

We give you the topic, the tools, and the how-tos. All you have to do is create the space, invite your friends, and abide by the Girltalk…Taking it Deeper™ mantra: be real. be wise. be you. We’ve created a complete guide on how to throw a successful GirlTalk…Taking it Deeper™ get-together, which you can download HERE. You’ll enjoy your Girltalk…Taking it Deeper™ gathering sometime during the month, and leave with a “dare” to complete before the next get-together.

See our FAQs page for more information on what to expect with the monthly topics.

In October, we’ll be kicking things off with the topic “FUN”: As women, we have been conditioned to work and work, give and give, and when that’s all done, if we haven’t passed out from exhaustion, we can have fun. It wasn’t always this way; there was a time when fun came easy. What would life be like, if FUN was a priority, or a must-have, just like breathing?

How can you get started?

We are extremely proud to be providing this high-quality content to you, absolutely free, and we hope you will join us in the journey! It’s easy and it’s free! Here’s all you have to do to get started:

1. Sign up for GirlTalk emails here

2. Download the GirlTalk Guide here

3. Find out more in our welcome and FAQs

4. Set a date and time for your October gathering, and make a list of women to invite (you’ll find more on this in the Girltalk Guide.) Then wait for your October email to get started!

A Final Word From Us

We started because we wanted to make it easier for women to have fun and meaningful times with their girlfriends. We know you enjoy the party plans, posts, and girls night ideas we bring you each month. We will continue to bring you the best party ideas for girls night out, girls night in, girlfriend gatherings, and girlfriend getaways. But, we’ve been searching for a way to give you more. If you’ve ever been to a girls night, bunco group or book club that deteriorated into gossip, man-bashing, and complaining, then you’ll understand why many girlfriends think, “there’s got to be more to friendship than this!” In Girltalk…Taking it Deeper™, we think we’ve found a great solution for girlfriends who want a structured way to take friendship deeper, learn more about themselves, and truly tap into the power of female friendship, while having a heck of a lot of fun along the way. We’re excited to hear your feedback on this program. Let’s Girltalk! Read the rest of this entry »

Find Fabulous Friends Faster! (Part 2): The Four Friendship Rings

In Part 1, Christine Arylo helped us define the kinds of friends we would like to have. In part two, she takes it a step further by identifying four friendship rings and the expectations we should have for each. 

By Christine Arylo

Not all girlfriends are the same – we have different friends for different reasons. Some are closer than others… some you connect with because of work or shared interests, or because you’ve known each other for years. When you understand the different levels of friendships, a.k.a. your Friendship Rings, you’re empowered to ask for and get what you need from every friend. Unknown, unmet and unexpressed, expectations are one of the major causes of friendships failure.

Action: Define your expectations for each Friendship Ring. On a piece of paper, draw a set of four concentric circles, one for each ring. Then list your expectations for each. Your expectations should differ depending on the type of friendship.

 Soul Sisters: Your closest circle. You share your lives.

 You may all have different mothers but these women are your heart and soul. They’re here for you in the best and worst of times. You can expect that they will pick up the phone when you call at 2 a.m. with a broken heart; that you can share all of yourself with them—the good and the ugly—and they will love you anyway; and that you can be completely honest about your feelings, even when you’re angry, and that they will listen and work with you to create an even deeper friendship.

Good Time Gals. You have fun with these girls. You share a good time.

You chat. You laugh. You never go too deep. You can expect that they will invite you to do things with you and accept the invitations you give; that they follow through on what they say they are going to do; and that when you’re together you can share what’s going on in your life and get some good advice, but nothing too deep.

Affectionate Aficionados. You work at the same company, belong to the same club, or run in the same social circles, but that’s as far as it goes. You share common interests.

You can expect that you will have a good time when you are together; that you will share your enthusiasm for your common interest but maybe not much more; and that they add good energy to your life, not suck it away or create drama. You can also expect that when that common interests shifts, you may no longer stay friends.

Read the rest of this entry »

Find Fabulous Friendships Faster! (Part 1)

Hey, girlfriends! We’re so excited to bring you this guest post from the dynamic Christine Arylo, self-love expert and developer of the Create Fabulous Friendships program. Christine wrote this article,  just for Girlfriend Celebrations readers. In it, she guides you through three questions to help you get clear on who you really want to call “girlfriend.” Look for part two on Monday!

by Christine Arylo

If you were asked, “What’s the biggest challenge you face to create the friendships you really want,” what would you say?

I’m going to let you in on a secret. Your biggest challenge is not time or the inability to meet new people. Your biggest challenge is you. You determine both the quantity and quality of your friendships based on who you are and how well you know who you want as a girlfriend, regardless of who’s in your circle today. Think about it. You wouldn’t consider dating or getting married without giving thought to who your mate is. Yet, even though we have close, intimate relationships with our girlfriends, we rarely give conscious thought to the kind of women they are. Instead, we choose friends by chance or duty, and with the busy lives we lead, you can’t afford to waste your friendtime on friendships based on obligation or on friendships that take more than they give.

If you’ve never stopped to ask yourself questions like, “What kind of women do I want in my life? Does my current circle of friends reflect the kind of energy I want to surround myself with?” chances are you are missing out on some great friendship opportunities, and spending too much energy on ones that don’t give you what you really want.

If you know who you want as a friend, you’re much more likely to attract that kind of person into your life. And she is much more likely to fit the life you are creating for yourself. So do yourself a favor, and take the time to get clear on who you really want to call girlfriend and why. Ask yourself the following questions using the action activities to get you crystal clear on your answers.

Questions For Creating Fabulous Friendships

QUESTION 1:  Why do I want friends?

It seems like a no-brainer question. Who doesn’t want friends, right? True, but this is a question worth answering because your response will tell you a lot about what you expect friendships to do for you. We all have different motivations, most of us just don’t know what they are.

Read the rest of this entry »

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