Girlfriend Celebrations - Because Girlfriends Make Life Better

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Girlfriend Links

  • always a girl’s girl
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  • Consciously Streaming
  • FashionCents
  • Fashiongrail
  • GetRealGirls
  • GirlfriendCircles
  • Girlfriendology
  • Girls Getaway Guide
  • Hair Boutique
  • HealthyBeautySecrets
  • Her Blog Directory
  • Homemade Mama
  • Irish Radio Chicago
  • jazzercise
  • La Diva Loca
  • Mom Generations/Audrey
  • MWF Seeking BFF
  • One Pretty Thing
  • Parenting Pink
  • Second City Soiree
  • Spa Defined
  • The Friendship Blog
  • The Gratitude Groove
  • The Peace Alliance
  • The Well-Heeled Society

Resource Links

  • Cafe Traditions
  • Evite
  • Gracious Bridal
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  • Impressive Inscriptions
  • Oriental Trading Co.
  • OWineNot
  • Personal Growth from
  • Savvy Skirts
  • The Pink Superstore
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