Girlfriend Celebrations - Because Girlfriends Make Life Better

More Evidence: Girlfriends for Longer Life!

Just more evidence that Girlfriends Are Good for Youtoday’s Parade magazine lists “Make Friends” as one of its “7 Habits for Longer Life.” (Whole article here.) The article cites an Australian study that found people with “large social networks” were 22% less likely to die in the next 10 years than those who said they didn’t have many friends. Parade’s Dr. Mark Liponis puts friendship right up there with eating right, getting enough sleep and clean air as a factor for increasing life expectancy. Wow! If that doesn’t inspire you to make some new friends, we don’t know what will. If you’d like some advice on making and keeping friends, check out the following articles: 

Growing New Girlfriends: Some Friendly Advice

Frustrated? How to Keep Friendships Alive

And to read more evidence about the health benefits of friendship, try:

Girlfriends are Good for You

Remember: To enjoy the health benefits of friendship, you have to maintain the friendship! Make it a priority to spend time with your girlfriends. Our Celebration Index makes it easy for you to find fun, creative and meaningful things to do together. 

Have a wonderful week, girlfriends! 


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  1. [...] More Evidence: Girlfriends for Longer Life [...]

    Pingback by Day 8: Girlfriends Are Good For You! (Living Healthier & Happier) — July 26, 2009 @ 11:08 pm

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