Girlfriend Celebrations - Because Girlfriends Make Life Better

Vote In Our Girls Night Poll!

Hey girlfriends, have you noticed our new poll in the left-hand column? We’re asking “How Often Do You Have a Girls Night Out or Girls Night In With Your Gal Pals?” RSS Subscribers, please click through and vote! We’d love to hear from you! This is a nifty new feature we’re trying from TwtPoll. We thought it would be fun to poll our girlfriends on a few topics and then report back with the results. We’ll keep the current one up for about a week, and then let you know the results. Have any girlfriendly topics you’d like to see in our poll? Leave a comment or email us!


  1. I always play this game with my friends at girls night. It’s so much fun! We laugh so hard. Everyone loves it. It’s really great to break the ice if all of the girls don’t know each other.

    Comment by Stephanie — March 26, 2009 @ 9:01 am

  2. Sorry, the name didn’t come up. It’s called What’s a Dame To do? by Games for Dames:

    Comment by Stephanie — March 26, 2009 @ 9:10 am

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