Girlfriend Celebrations - Because Girlfriends Make Life Better

It’s a Beautiful Thing…

We’re really excited about something, so of course we wanted to share it with our girlfriends! This month, is featured on Dove Dimensions–an online publication produced by the Dove beauty brand. 

DoveDimensions home page
DoveDimensions home page

The current issue of Dove Dimensions focuses on women’s friendship, and recommends our site as one of its “five beautiful things.” Be sure to check out our mention here, and then explore the issue, which Dove bills as a source for “real beauty news, tips and rewards.” One part we love: a downloadable self-esteem workbook for moms and girls to use together. You might be familiar with Dove’s refreshing Campaign for Real Beauty, which features images of real women (not models) in all their beautiful shapes and sizes. At, we’re proud to be associated with any brand that tries to lift women up and boost their self-esteem.  

Thanks for your continued support, girlfriends, and as always, share your comments below.

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