OK ladies, we have a few good weekends left before the shivering starts. Let’s make the best of the weather, gather together and meet some new friends. With our Bags and Brew tournament party, you can do just that. Girlfriend Celebrations has planned a bags (aka beanbags, baggo, or the unfortunately named “cornhole”) tournament —no boys allowed—that will help your expand your girlfriend circle before you retreat indoors to hibernate for the winter. 
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Don’t you love it when you meet someone who is so enthusiastic about what they do, that it’s contagious? That’s the feeling we had the other day when we met Sue and Kathy from Prairie and Vine, an adorable wine shop and tasting room in Chicago’s western suburbs. It reminded us to tell you that now is a GREAT time of year to have a Wine Among Friends party. Tina hosted one of these two years ago and it was a fabulous success. Click the link for all the details! But first read on: 
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When the weather turns fallish, a nice, hot bowl of soup starts to sound really good. We mentioned last week that soup would be a frugal meal to serve at a party. That same day, our real-life girlfriend and blogger Gabi emailed to tell us about a soup exchange she had last year. We thought it was such a great idea for a girls night that we wanted to share it with you. 
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No, it was *not* a baby shower. Just a little luncheon for our girlfriend Siobhainn, pregnant with her 3rd. She adamantly refused a baby shower, but that didn’t stop us from pampering her in other ways! Readers often ask us for non-traditional baby shower ideas, and our Birth Day Party article provides a great shower focused on the mama-to-be.
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For awhile now, we’ve been toying with the idea of having a girlfriend party or girls night around the topic of politics, but we were afraid it would be too volatile. Nothing kills the party mood like arguing politics, after all. But after listening to the Girlfriends, Kathy and Judy, on WGN Radio 720 in Chicago the other day, we’ve changed our minds. So read on, girlfriends, to discover how you can talk politics with your girlfriends, have fun, and possibly make an impact on the democratic process in your commununity with a Positive Politics Party. (Cue presidential march music!)
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Hi Girlfriends! Now there are two fresh ways to get your daily dose of girlfriend cheer. Follow us on Twitter at OR add us to your Google Calendar at www.Google.com/calendar. Both of these options are way cool ways to get fun stuff you won’t see here on GirlfriendCelebrations.com:
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Agonizing over the guest list for your next girlfriend get-together? It can be very stressful figuring out which square-pegged friends will connect with the usual round-hole favorites. Maybe Alice from the office won’t mesh well with Sophie from down the block. But, it’s your party and it’s hard not to include all those women that you think are great in some way. We at GirlfriendCelebrations.com feel your pain and have come up with a few helpful tips to make compiling your next guest list a breeze.
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There are only 24 hours in a day, it’s true. Between the commitments of work and home, many women feel they just don’t have time to get together with girlfriends. But at GirlfriendCelebrations.com, we know better. We believe many women simply haven’t given themselves permission to reap the benefits of female friendship–which is essential to a happy life, after all.
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Hi, Girlfriends. Tomorrow, Sunday, September 21, is the United Nations International Day of Peace. (It’s also National Women’s Friendship Day!). Check out peaceoneday.org or The Peace Alliance for more information on how you can get involved in promoting peace in our world. Meanwhile, Sunday sounds like a great day to take in a peaceful brunch or walk in the woods with your best friend. Enjoy!
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