Gratitude Challenge: The Best Gifts Are Unexpected
Girlfriend-in-Chief Dawn here. When I looked at my Gratitude Challenge card for today, it asked me to think of one specific thing I am grateful for and blog about it. I have to admit my first thought was “coffee”! (Okay, it was early in the morning, and I never start a day without a steaming cup of java). As I was pondering the wonders of coffee, I noticed the coffee mug I had chosen this morning. It was a gift from Girlfriend-in-Chief Tina. Honestly, I can’t remember the occasion on which it was given, but I do remember it was filled with chocolate when I received it. The mug got me to thinking about something I AM truly grateful for…big surprise….friendship.
More specifically, I am grateful that I have the kind of friend who gives me little mementos of our relationship. I am not a big tchotchke person, but I keep things that have meaning to me. As I look around my house, I see quite a few reminders of my nine-year friendship with Tina. Last Christmas, she had a plate made for me (by an Etsy artisan) to celebrate our achievements on the website. Thoughtful, right? I was so surprised and delighted (and of course, guilt-ridden that I had not been nearly as thoughtful). That she took the time from her busy life to slow down, think about me, and make that gesture meant the world to me. I am not nearly so good at slowing down to consider the girlfriends who are important to me and letting them know. (Maybe, just maybe, writing this post counts for a little!)
It’s the unexpected and meaningful things we do for our girlfriends that stick with them. If you’re reading this, I’m sure you have a girlfriend you are grateful for. I hope I’ve inspired you to do something small but meaningful for a girlfriend. Since this is National Women’s Friendship Month, it’s perfect timing. Whether it’s bringing her coffee, surprising her with flowers, washing her car, or dedicating a song to her on the radio, do something she’ll remember. Have a girlfriend you are grateful for? Share in the comments. We’re all ears!
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What a thoughtful post! You are really rackin’ up the bonus points, sister!
Comment by Tina — August 31, 2009 @ 9:46 am
..very nice
Comment by Lurker — September 1, 2009 @ 10:16 pm
[...] Girlfriend-in-Chief Dawn here. When I looked at my Gratitude Challenge card for today, it asked me to think of one specific thing I am grateful for and blog.More [...]
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