Girlfriends Are Good For You!
The June/July issue of Working Mother is the latest magazine to report on the link between girlfriends and good health. In fact, the magazine even calls "neglecting your girlfriends" one of its top three "energy sappers!" (Check out the article here.) If you need motivation to start scheduling girlfriend get-togethers, how’s this: Now there’s proof that girlfriends are good for your health, well-being, and relationships.
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We already know that friendship improves physical health. A number of studies have shown that social bonds help us cope with stress, lower our blood pressure, and boost our immune system.
But now, as Working Mother and other women’s magazines have reported, UCLA researchers have identified a unique role for female friendship. Apparently, women’s physical stress response is different than men’s. While "fight or flight" is the typical known stress response for men, women, when faced with stress, have a biological instinct to "huddle together with other females for safety." The researchers named this behavior "tend or befriend."
In addition to bolstering your physical health, keeping that monthly date with your girlfriends brings other important benefits:
- Friendships contribute to your own personal growth. Connecting with girlfriends helps women temporarily step out of their roles as workers, wives or mothers and remember themselves as individuals with unique interests and needs.
- Female friendships are essential to female well-being. Sure, men can be friends. But there are certain needs they can’t meet. Only women can share stories and advice about mammograms, childbirth, and other distinctly feminine areas.
- Friendships can make marriages stronger. When you take time to nurture your "girlfriend" side, you are happier and more fulfilled, and that makes you a better partner.
- Female friendships are (often) forever. Let’s face it–women live longer than men, and romantic relationships can come and go. The meaningful friendships you make now may sustain you later–even into your golden years.
See, we told you so–girlfriends are good for you! Do something positive for your health and well-being by scheduling a girlfriend get-together today. Right now is a great time of year to hold a Summer Book Swap or Wine Among Friends party. And, look for an all-new party plan coming shortly!
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Hi: I was just browsing for a celebration of girl friends. Our girl friend passed away and I wondered if any of you have ever had a celebration of life? Our friend has only seven of us Red Hat Laddies and we are planning to rent a pontoon boat and take her ashes and her husbands and pets ashes out to sea as she wished. That is fine but what else could you suggest we do.We have written a poem and have a frame with pictures of our events with her, but need something more. Thanks for your help if you have any suggestions. Queen Mom Helen
Comment by Helen Werme — July 13, 2007 @ 6:29 pm
[...] called "Tend and Befriend" that women turn to in times of stress. (See our post "Girlfriends Are Good For You" for more information!) Our MayDay Stress Relief party helps foster the kind of togetherness [...]
Pingback by Girlfriend Celebrations - Women, Friendship, Fun Party Ideas, Girls Night Ideas — April 20, 2008 @ 9:31 pm
[...] be time well spent connecting with those friends who help us feel good about ourselves. Remember, girlfriends are good for you! Don’t forget to check back with Girlfriend Celebrations for the latest party planning ideas. [...]
Pingback by Girlfriend Celebrations - Women, Friendship, Fun Party Ideas, Girls Night Ideas — September 1, 2008 @ 6:06 pm
[...] happier person, and that’s good for all facets of your life. Don’t believe us? See Girlfriends Are Good For You for the proof! 2. Commit to one “date” a month with your girlfriends. Whether [...]
Pingback by Seven Steps to Better Girls Nights | Girlfriend Celebrations — January 5, 2009 @ 11:27 pm
Great information! I’ve shared this with my mother and sisters. Thanks!
Comment by Penelope — March 16, 2009 @ 1:36 pm
[...] or less. As one commenter stated, “That is just sad!” It’s hard to enjoy the benefits of female friendship if you don’t actually spend time with your girlfriends. So, everybody get out those calendars [...]
Pingback by How Often Do You Have a Girls Night? Survey Says… | Girlfriend Celebrations — March 27, 2009 @ 11:13 am