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Aaah…The Simple Spa Party

In-home spa parties are all the rage right now, but you may be wondering: Is it possible to treat your girlfriends to a pampering spa event without spending a fortune–or stressing yourself out? Yes, yes, yes! Let GirlfriendCelebrations show you how some very simple preparations can lead to a fun, meaningful, affordable, and r e l a x i n g spa party spectacular.

The invitations:To really keep it simple, has several cute spa party invitations. If you are feeling a little more ambitious, there are many spa-oriented pre-printed invitations or papers you can use to create one on the computer. Slip your invitation into the envelope with a piece of tissue paper you’ve scented with a calming aromatherapy oil.

For a more special "gifty" invitation, scour Target or the dollar store for spa items you can write on with a gel pen. Flat items, such as a pedicure sander or an inflatable bath pillow, work best. Write the party details on the item, let dry, add a pretty curl of ribbon and then hand deliver the invites or mail them in a padded envelope.

Be sure to state on the invitation which spa services will be included, the cost, and what (if anything) your guests should bring. See below for suggestions.

The setting:  Many girlfriend groups like to reserve a block of time in a real spa, bring some bubbly and let girlfriends simply book and pay for the services they desire. This is a simple approach, and you’ll have a blast. If this appeals to you, go for it! But if you have a smaller budget or want the more intimate ambiance of a spa party at home, read on. You really don’t have to do a lot to transform your rooms into spa-dom. Your girlfriends will feel relaxed just being out of their own homes!

Create a spa-like atmosphere with dimmed lights and plenty of candles. Use scented candles or an aromatherapy diffuser to infuse the air with a relaxing scent such as jasmine, lavender, or rose. Play soothing music in the background (Spa Lounge is one CD to try, but anything you find relaxing can work as well). Fresh flowers here and there, while not absolutely necessary, add some natural beauty. Be sure to have plenty of comfortable seating and a good selection of trashy magazines to make your girlfriends feel like they’re in spa heaven!

Food and drink: Cut off the caffeine and offer light, relaxing beverages such as wine, herbal tea, or juice spritzers. (Here are some easy recipes to get you started: with alcohol and without). If you’re handy with a blender, you can whip up smoothies for one and all. For simple yet satisfying nibbles, use healthy whole finger foods you can simply purchase at your supermarket and set out in a buffet. Nuts, cheese cubes, a sushi platter, and a fruit plate create a well-rounded snack offering. Squares of dark chocolate are a healthy way to feed everyone’s sweet tooth. With slightly more work you can make chocolate-dipped strawberries for a decadent treat. Here’s how.

Spa services: It’s easy to get your favorite spa services–manicures, facials, massages, even reiki masters– in-home today. Invite your favorite massage therapist to set up a chair for mini massages. Call the local beauty school and ask them to send a team of nail specialists. The cost is usually quite reasonable if split among your guests. For example, our massage therapist quoted a cost of $65 an hour, with up to 10 massages per hour. Don’t forget to tip the service provider. As the host, you may want to take care of the tip yourself, or you can put out a jar for contributions.The providers generally bring their own supplies, but you’ll probably need to set aside a comfortable, quiet area for the spa services.

To supplement the paid-for services, you can provide manicure supplies or have each guest bring her own. Ask each guest to bring a favorite nail color or hand lotion to share, for example. It’s a lot more fun to do your nails surrounded by your girlfriends, laughing over gossip magazines, than doing them by yourself in front of the tv.

Do-it-yourself affirmation cards: Here’s a good activity for your girlfriends to do after a massage, when they are feeling relaxed and reflective, but before doing their nails. Give each guest a stack of blank cards you’ve cut from colored card stock. Have them write a positive affirmation and copy it onto enough cards so each girlfriend can have one. Ideally, they should use an affirmation that has meaning for them, or that has helped them in some way. You may want to provide some examples to get them started. Or check out for some ideas. Sort the cards into "decks," tie with ribbon and each girlfriend gets to take one home.

Party favors: There are many possibilities for simple, inexpensive party favors that let your girlfriends take home a little spa relaxation. Tie an aromatherapy votive candle up in some tulle with a ribbon. Create a relaxation CD and copy it for all your friends. Wrap up a natural soap and a loofah or bath scrubbie. Feeling crafty? Make your own bath salts and give each girlfriend a small jar or even a plastic bagful (simple recipe here).

For additional ideas, Girls’ Night In by Jennifer Worick is a great little book devoted to creating spa parties at home, with recipes for facials, body scrubs and bath salts you can make yourself. Have a sensational spa party! Share your own spa party ideas below, and let us know if you try this idea at home. We would love to hear from you!


  1. Thanks for the suggestions! our local MS/fibro+ support group is planning a little mini-spa evening this week. it will be a treat to try out some of the ideas you offered here.

    Comment by mtn top red hatter — December 10, 2007 @ 3:31 am

  2. [...] effect, create a cozy space — remember candles, aromatherapy, tea, and even spa music. [See Aaah--the Simple Spa Party for more [...]

    Pingback by Girlfriend Celebrations - Women, Friendship, Fun Party Ideas, Girls Night Ideas — September 7, 2008 @ 10:48 pm

  3. [...] got a lot more fun! Have a Costume Jewelry Swap (see our Accessory Swap Party for ideas) or have a spa night (either at a spa or at home) for manicures, pedicures and facials. You’ll feel *much* more [...]

    Pingback by Our Top 5 Holiday Girls Night Themes! | Girlfriend Celebrations — December 11, 2008 @ 7:01 am

  4. [...] Aaah…The Simple Spa Party [...]

    Pingback by Six Ways to “Spa” With Your Girlfriends in The New Year | Girlfriend Celebrations — January 7, 2009 @ 3:06 pm

  5. Jafra offers free spa parties for the opportunity to come demonstrate their spa products. You order them if you like, or not if you don’t. It is very relaxing and no pressure to buy. It is all organized for the hostess so she can enjoy the party, too. I have found some great products that I love.

    Comment by Carmen — January 11, 2009 @ 1:00 am

  6. [...] Dawn Bertuca at Girlfriend Celebrations is an expert at celebrating life’s events and provides great inspiration in Aaaah, The Simple Spa Party by Girlfriend Celebrations. [...]

    Pingback by 2009 Spring Beauty Blog Carnival Hosted By | Blog — March 17, 2009 @ 6:36 pm

  7. Spa parties are great. Who doesn’t like to go out and be pampered with a bunch of their friends.

    Comment by Long Beach Spa — July 2, 2009 @ 3:13 pm

  8. Thanx all this info has been tons of help! x

    Comment by laura — December 5, 2009 @ 10:55 am

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